Here is what's included
Parties include up to 10 kids and usually can make 2-3 recipes!
Instructor will work with you to pick the perfect menu.
Party guests help prepare the meal and receive emailed recipes and photos to keep.
Price includes food, preparation tools, clean-up, and hands-on instruction.
Parents supply decorations*, and dessert (if not being made as a part of the party!)
WRC will provide plain plates, cups, and cutlery if needed. If desired, parent can supply themed supplies instead.
Birthday parties are held at the Wholesome Roots Kitchen!
Schedule early to get the date you desire! *Parties are not available on Sundays.
Parents can relax and enjoy the party and best of all.....not have to clean!
*Approval needed for all decorations ahead of time!
*Typical cost is $350.
Request Children's Birthday Party
To ensure plenty of time to plan, we ask that requests be made a minimum of two weeks prior to desired event date. Thank you!